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Children's Rights and Wellbeing RN
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    Children's Rights and Wellbeing RN
    Children's Rights and Wellbeing RN
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    UCF - EfSJ.pptx
    HERN for UCF.pptx
    HERN for UCF.pptx
    Allan and Hawkins. P and C network.pptx
    Allan and Hawkins. P and C network.pptx
    IDI Research Network copy.pptx
    IDI Research Network copy.pptx
    17 files in this resource

    Research documents from EHU presenters during the UCF visit to Edge Hill

    Presentations from the FOE research networks and other researchers from FoE, September 2023. UCF presentations have been shared separately with registered attendees. Please contact educationresearch@edgehill.ac.uk if you have not received this link and would like to.

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    Please ask permission from the relevant presentation authors.

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