Metadata Policy

for information describing items in the repository
  1. Anyone may access the metadata free of charge.
  2. The metadata may be re-used in any medium without prior permission for not-for-profit purposes provided the OAI Identifier or a link to the original metadata record are given.
  3. The metadata must not be re-used in any medium for commercial purposes without formal permission.

Data Policy

for full-text and other full data items
  1. Anyone may access full items free of charge.
  2. Copies of full items generally can be:
    • Reproduced, displayed or performed, given to third parties, and stored in a database in any format or medium
    • User for personal research or study, educational or not-for-profit purposes without prior permission or charge
    • the authors, title and full bibliographic details are given
    • a hyperlink and/or URL are given for the original metadata page
    • the content is not changed in any way
  3. Full items must not be sold commercially in any format or medium without formal permission of the copyright holders.
  4. Some full items are individually tagged with different rights permissions and conditions.
  5. Mention of the eShare is appreciated but not mandatory.

Content Policy

for types of document & data set held
  1. This is a teaching and learning repository for T & L content not a research repository.
  2. eShare will accept material in any standard digital format including but not limited to: presentations, learning objects, audio and video files, still images, datasets.
  3. As an institutional repository, teaching and learning material will be accepted from all departments and services.

Submission Policy

concerning depositors, quality & copyright
  1. Content will need to be in line with the university acceptable use policy
  2. Items may only be deposited by accredited members of the university.
  3. Authors may submit their own work.
  4. Content which is the intellectual property of another may only be submitted with explicit permission from the owner allowing the use.
  5. Where an item has multiple authors and they have retained copyright in the work, the depositing author must obtain permission from all the other contributing authors before depositing the work.
  6. eShare is not an exclusive repository; authors may also deposit their work in other repositories if desired or required.
  7. Changes to deposited items are not permitted, but if necessary, an updated version may be deposited.
  8. The validity and authenticity of the content of any submissions is the sole responsibility of the depositing authors.
  9. Any copyright violations are entirely the responsibility of the depositing authors.
  10. If the repository receives proof of copyright violation, the relevant item will be removed.

Preservation Policy

  1. Items will be retained indefinitely.
  2. eShare will try to ensure continued readability and accessibility.
  3. eShare regularly backs up its files according to current best practice.
  4. Items may not normally be removed from eShare.
  5. Acceptable reasons for withdrawal include:
    • Proven copyright violation or plagiarism
    • Legal requirements and proven violations
    • National Security
    • Falsified research
  6. Withdrawn items are not deleted per se, but are removed from public view.
  7. Withdrawn items' identifiers/URLs are retained indefinitely.
  8. URLs will continue to point to 'tombstone' citations, to avoid broken links and to retain item histories.
  9. Changes to deposited items are not permitted.
  10. If necessary, an updated version may be deposited.
  11. In the event of eShare being closed down, the database will be transferred to another appropriate archive.

Take Down Policy

  1. Any takedown requests are taken very seriously.
  2. Where a takedown request has been made, items will normally be removed from public view pending investigation.
  3. In the first instance takedown requests will be reviewed by the repository team.
  4. Where necessary the request will be escalated through the proper channels.
  5. If there is proof of copyright violation then the work in question will be permanently removed from public view.
  6. If you are of the opinion that a work within eShare:-
    • Is an infringement of your intellectual property rights ;or
    • Is an infringement of your moral rights ; or
    • Is offensive or unacceptable in some other way;
    Please immediately contact with the following information:-
    1. Identification of the item by title, description and its URL;
    2. The nature of the complaint; and
    3. Any supporting or substantiating evidence you have.
  7. Edge Hill University will at its discretion remove or block future access to the item from eShare.
  8. For the period of investigation, no further action will be taken by Edge Hill University in this regard but we will however advise you if the item is removed.
  9. Please also note that your complaint will be kept on record.
  10. Any personal information you provide in your complaint shall be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and subordinate legislation.
  11. The data controller is Edge Hill University, unless otherwise stated. The University data protection policy and guidelines are available from IT Services