Number of items: 58.
A guide to research resources
A guide to research resources for PGCTHE students and early career researchers.
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ACRE 19 Book of Abstracts & Programme
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
ACRE 2019
Conference call for abstracts
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
ACRE 2022 Programme
Programme and panel outline information, now including PDF abstract book, 'work in progress' sessions, for conference 14th & 15th July. Latest update amends Panel 1D (new chair and amended speaker list for symposium)
'ACRE abstracts for programme book'is the digital copy of the printed text participants will receive when they arrive at ACRE on the 14th July, so this will not change.
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
![[img]](/16605/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/Call%20for%20Papers%20ACRE%202024%20.pdf)  Preview |
ACRE 2024
Documents related to ACRE 2024
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
ACRE Bulletin 2019
Resources linked to the Faculty of Education Conference Bulletin
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
Latest version of ACRE 2023 programme, including parallel sessions, subject to change. Available in pdf and word versions.
Outline document and parallel papers document is version controlled. Please note version number in top right corner.
*Programme book* does not change: this is an e version of the document attendees will receive on arrival at ACRE23. It is hyperlinked from the contents page, double click on page numbers to go direct to content.
Latest updates: Errata 2 added, acknowledging role of Victoria I. Ekpo.
Programme Parallel sessions v4 uploaded (includes rooms - rooms also shown in the programme book index page) Mindfulness session added Friday 8.30am
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
ACRE Programme Documents
Word documents re the ACRE conference
Shared with the University by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
Administrator Guide - Student Thesis
A guide for Pure users with the user role of Administrator of Student Thesis
Shared with Selected Users by
Paul Fox
![[img]](/13543/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/An%20Introduction%20to%20Developmental%20Transformations%20%28DVT%29.pdf)  Preview |
Application for ethical approval form (RO-GOV-05F)
To be completed by those seeking ethical approval, and submitted to the relevant Edge Hill research ethics committee (REC).
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Concordat to Support Research Integrity: report to URIC
Annual reports to the University Research & Innovation Committee on the Concordat to Support Research Integrity
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
![[img]](/14297/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/Thomas%20Catalyst%20Day%20report-final.pdf)  Preview |
Diversity Recruitment and Retention in Nurse Education Programmes
Diversity, recruitment and retention in nurse education programmes: Catalyst Event Report
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
![[img]](/15836/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/EHU%20-%20Open%20Research%20statement.pdf)  Preview |
EHU Open Research Statement
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Edge Hill University's REF 2021 Code of Practice
This Code of Practice is to help you, as an Edge Hill employee, to understand key issues around the University’s REF 2021 submission and how this affects you as a member of staff with a teaching and/or research contract.
The code of practice documents Edge Hill University’s processes for:
a) Determining who is an independent researcher for REF purposes
b) The fair and transparent identification of staff with significant responsibility for research
c) The selection of outputs to be submitted
d) The disclosure of personal circumstances
e) How the code relates to broader institutional policies/strategies that promote and support equality and diversity.
Also attached to the item is the University's equality impact assessment relating to the REF and code of practice.
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Epigeum Research Skills Guide
Guide to Epigeum Research Skills modules available to staff and students at Edge Hill
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Ethics Monitor - Approvals Workflow
A guide to the approvals workflow in the ethics system
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Examination panel: research project registration
All documents the examiners and chair need when preparing to examine a research project registration submissions. To open each file, click on 'Download'. Regulations are available at
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Faculty Research Strategy 2021-25
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
Guide to Research Resources
A guide to research resources and support provided by Library & Learning Services
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HE Research Seminar Internationalisation
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
Keynote Zembylas slides
Ppt slides for keynote presentation
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
![[img]](/13542/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/Indra%20Majore-Dusele.pdf)  Preview |
Nagoya Protocol Guidance & Checklist for Researchers
Resources to help researchers meet their obligations under the Nagoya Protocol, where applicable.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Open Access Output Funding Request - RO-GOV-09F
An application form to be used when seeking internal funds for open access publishing.
Shared with the University by
Paul Fox
PGR Bursaries
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PGR: Fees - writing-up and post-final viva
Documents relating to the PGR writing-up fee and post-final viva fees. Click on an item in the collection, then 'download' to view it.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
PGR: Student Training
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PGR: final viva
All documents the student needs when preparing to undertake the final viva - from the proposal of the examination team to the viva itself. To open each file, click on 'Download'. Regulations are available at
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
PGR: processes
Flowcharts illustrating key processes during the PGR student's experience from initial enquiry onwards. Click on an item in the collection, then 'download' to view it.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
PGR: staff resources
Forms and guidance documents for PGR supervisors and administrators. Click on an item in the collection, then 'download' to view it.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
PGR: student resources
Forms and guidance documents for PGR students (PhD and MPhil). Also useful for supervisors and administrators. Click on an item in the collection, then 'download' to view it.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
![[img]](/16218/5.hassmallThumbnailVersion/PRISM%20Special%20Edition%20-%20Social%20Justice%20CFP.pdf)  Preview |
PRISM - Special Edition Call for Papers
A call for papers for PRISM Journal as part of the Social Justice Network.
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Participant information sheet template (RO-GOV-17)
A template/framework that can be adapted by any staff and student engaging in research with participants.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Process - student representation
Flowcharts depicting the processes of student representation for research degrees.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
![[img]](/15429/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/User%20-%20Student%20Thesis.pdf)  Preview |
Pure - Student Thesis
Uploading your doctoral research degree thesis to Pure.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Pure fingerprints
A user guide explaining fingerprints in Pure and how to alter them.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Pure: adding your research outputs
This extensive guide explains how to add outputs such as journal articles, books, and non-textual items to Pure.
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Research Degree: progression viva collection
All documents the student needs when preparing to undertake the progression viva. To open each file, click on 'Download'. Regulations are available at
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Research Development Programme (Faculty of Education)
Research Development Programme (Faculty of Education)
Shared with the University by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
Research Office - forms, policies and guidance
Forms, policies and guidance.
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Christopher Hughes
Research Seminar Abstracts 2018-19
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
Research Support Toolkit
This set of training resources introduces you to key tools which are there to support you throughout the research process.
Shared with the World by
Laura Riella
Research project registration submissions
All documents the student needs for preparing a research project registration submission. To open each file, click on 'Download'. Regulations are available at
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Social Justice & Equity Colloquium
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
![[img]](/10498/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/Finance_-_Travel_-_Risk_assessment_guidance_-_2016.03.pdf)  Preview |
Travel risk assessment guidance
The Finance Office has provided this risk assessment guidance for staff and students travelling on University business. This should be read in conjunction with the Research Office research risk assessment guidance and the Facilities Management generic risk assessment guidance as each has a different purpose.
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
![[img]](/13631/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/REFERENCES%20Trevarthen%2C%2015%20June%202017.pdf)  Preview |
![[img]](/13632/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/POWERPOINT%20Trevarthen%20Festival%20of%20Ideas%2015%20June%202017.pdf)  Preview |
Viva panel: final viva
All documents the viva panel needs when preparing to examine a final viva. To open each file, click on 'Download'. Regulations are available at
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
Viva panel: progression viva
All documents the viva panel needs when preparing to examine a transfer or progression viva. To open each file, click on 'Download'. Regulations are available at
Shared with the World by
Paul Fox
![[img]](/15483/1.hassmallThumbnailVersion/VOICES_Ed%20phase%201%20impact.pdf)  Preview |
Voices Ed Inclusion Impact
Shared with the World by
Dr Charlotte Hastings
This list was generated on Sat Feb 8 12:48:23 2025 UTC.