Number of items: 72.
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A tidal wave of discussion: How active discussion produced outstanding results.
In May 2013 one of my online dissertation cohorts at Edge Hill achieved outstanding
results - 57% of students (n=47) obtained a First in the module.
This presentation will focus on my (the tutor’s) experience, outlining the approach
taken and the rationale – as well as reflecting on the experience since. The main tool
was a series of discussion boards (2,573 posts with over half the cohort engaging),
combined with web conferencing and student tracking. Colleagues have suggested one
of the main reasons for the success was my implicit belief that the technology would
benefit the student experience; perhaps my faith made it work?
I’ve taken this approach with other cohorts, and although the success has not been
replicated, anecdotal evidence (personal tutorials with parallel cohorts) indicates that
the open feedback given on discussion boards has had a significant impact on
outcomes. Also – the discussions have been used, retrospectively, by two students that
intercalated in 2013 – their grades being First / Iii.
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Ally – Course Level Report
Use Ally Course Report to identify content and issues that need resolving (accessibility) and prioritise course content fixes.
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Assessing student progression
Learning content to support mentors of how to access student progression
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Assignment Handler: Activity, Process and Ownership
Generic overview of esubmsissions through Assignment Handler within Blackboard.
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Assignment Handler: FOHSC Pilot Report with Feedback
2012/2013 FOHSC Assignment Handler Pilot Report with Feedback
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Assignment Handler: eSubmission Process
An overview of the processes stages involved in the management and creation of esubmissions in Assignment Handler
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Banner Image Template for Blackboard 9.1
This resource provides examples of banners that are a good standard dimension for a Blackboard Learn course entry point banners. Use the templates to design your own banner images.
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Blackboard Assignment Tool - How to use e-submission & feedback tools
Guide on how to create an Assignment dropbox using the Blackboard assigment tool and managing the Grade Centre to release grades and feedback. Also inlcluded guidance on Smart View and Downloading Reports
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Blackboard Collaborate Etiquette Slide
Opening slide to a web conferencing event, explaining how participants conduct themselves during online sessions, meetings and discussions.
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Blackboard Course Image/Banner Template
A template designed to help you produce images suitable for use as Blackboard Ultra banners and course images, particularly images with text on them.
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Blackboard Learn with the Ultra Experience: Pre-made Banners
This items contains 28 ready made banner images saved at an appropriate size and quality, along with a list of credits for the images. Note that eShare image previews look much darker than the actual images. Images are ordered by photos of campus, landscapes, patterns, and art.
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Blackboard Organisation Checklist-Baseline
This document will help you make your organisation relevant, interesting and usable for participants. Take time to think about the Organisation structure.
This structure should reflect the participant needs and the Organisation goals, by checking against these basic elements, you are adhering to the good practice guidelines.
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Blackboard Retention and Archive Policy
This Policy aims to provide clear information on how long Blackboard courses are retained to comply with regulations and retention requirements. It includes example scenarios and a retention schedule. Applies 2024-2030.
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Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation Overview
Overview of Blackboard home page menus.
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Blackboard introduction
A collection of files introduce the use of Blackboard (VLE)
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Course Preparation and Building: Staff Responsibilities
This document is intended to facilitate the effective implementation of the Learning Edge. The first few pages detail the roles and responsibilities of both faculty and central support staff with regard to course preparation and building. Subsequent pages are ‘Checklists’ for faculty staff in various roles and which are intended to support programme teams in their preparation for the new academic year.
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Course Relationship Tool - Administrator Training Package.
This training package is aim at Faculty Administrators and those with the role of Course Administrator with the University VLE (Blackboard).
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Creating Accessible Documents Overview
Basic rules of Inclusive by Design (IbD), for creation content uploaded to the VLE (Blackboard). Content that is usable for all and offers students more choice in terms of access and preferred style of learning.
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Discussion Board Netiquette: Guidelines for courteous and effective use
Guidelines for courteous and effective use of the Discussion Board to prevent misunderstandings and promote engaging and meaningful communications.
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Discussion Forums / Boards
How to use and get the best out of:
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Enhancement through consistency: How practice makes perfect
Blackboard, teaching and learning conference in Swansea
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FoE Workshop - Session 5 - Evaluating 9.1
Final academic focused session for the FoE from LTD.
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How to provision your Blackboard course ready for Lecture Capture
A PDF document, explaining how to make your Blackboard course ready for use with Panopto, the lecture capture software
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In Their Own Words: Findings From the 6th EHU Student eLearning Survey
This year’s report is informed by the findings of the 2014/15 survey and identifies and examines trends and system performance where there are direct comparisons to past surveys. The intention is to improve the student experience through a better understanding of what makes a good experience of TEL, and more importantly, what does not. It also provides an indicator of the extent to which the institutional VLE, Learning Edge, is integral to the learning experience of Edge Hill students.
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Inclusive by Design: Accessible Content Creation
Guides for making digital content more accessible, inclusive and usable for students. All students will enjoy a positive experience of your content with Blackboard Ally alternative formats.
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LTD1019: Qwickly - How Administrators can Access Attendance Data
This is an updated guide for Ultra Base Navigation.
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LTD3085: Recording a Welcome Video Using Panopto
A quick and easy way to make a recording as a welcome to your Blackboard section.
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LTD3113: Copying and Moving Panopto Videos
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Edge Hill Administrator
LTD3120: Creating Blackboard Tests in Ultra
A guide on using Blackboard Tests in Ultra
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LTD4001: Learning Edge/Blackboard: Getting Started for Students
Accessing and starting to use Learning Edge Blackboard with Ultra Base Navigation
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LTD5030: Learning Edge System Requirements
What does my computer need, for me to use the Learning Edge online learning environment?
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Learning Edge
A brief overview of the teaching and learning technologies included under the umbrella of 'Learning Edge'.
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Learning Edge : Blackboard User Guide for PCE000091
An A-Z user guide specific to PCE000091– Post Graduate Certificate in Education (SEN & Inclusion)
The guide covers how to log in, how to access the links in the course menu, make best use of the discussion boards and much more.
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Learning Edge: 12 Steps to Building a course plus 5 key skills
The following document walks you through getting started with five essential skills and then building a course in Learning Edge/Blackboard 9.1 in 12 steps . It gives you a general overview of how to log in, add in tools, use the course menu and add files, links and more.
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Learning Edge: Administration
Guides covering Roles and responsibilities related to Learning Edge Administration
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Learning Edge: Assignment Handler
Guides to support the use of Assignment Handler (Edge Hill Assignment)
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Learning Edge: Blackboard Mobile Learn
Guides to support the use of the Blackboard Mobile App
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Learning Edge: Blackboard User Guide for PCE000124
An A-Z user guide specific to PCE000124 – PGCERT SPLD (DYSLEXIA)
The guide covers how to log in, how to access the links in the course menu, make best use of the discussion boards and much more.
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Learning Edge: Build and Teach
Guides to support staff in using Blackboard 9.1
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Learning Edge: Getting Started (Students)
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Learning Edge: Good Practice in Building and Teaching your Course
This document offers advice and good practice guidelines about simple, practical steps you can take to enhance the educational value of online resources and activities within Learning Edge to improve your students’ experience.
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Learning Edge: Guides for Staff
Guides to support staff in using Blackboard 9.1
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Learning Edge: Guides for Students
Guides to support students in using Blackboard 9.1
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Learning Edge: Introduction
Guides to support staff in using Blackboard 9.1
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Learning Edge: Mobile Learn 4.0 Feature Guide
This guide describes all the key features that are available in Blackboard Mobile Learn™ version 4.0 for Apple and
Android devices.
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Learning Edge: Policy & Practice in Managing the Course Lifecycle
This document sets out the policy, standardised practices when using the Learning Edge virtual environment.
Updated June 2024 - please use download option for current version
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Learning Technology: Staff Development
Support material for LTDs staff development sessions.
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Learning and assessment toolkit
This toolkit is part of the Practice Learning Support Tool and it aims to provide you with three simple steps to facilitation of learning and assessment when working with learners in practice.
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Safeguarding children
This e-session is based on the duties and responsibilities of professionals and organisations described in the Department for Education and Skills Common Core Skills for Knowledge for the Children's Workforce (2004) document.
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Transcript: IbD - Third Party Content and Digitised Versions in Learning Edge
Transcript_How-to video, linking to the source digitised versions and 3rd party content within the VLE (Blackboard).
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Transcript_Blackboard Full Grade Centre – Working Offline
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Blackboard Full Grade Centre – Working Offline - YouTube
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eShare - find out more
A one-page flier outlining the uses of eshare
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This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 02:51:42 2025 UTC.