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Number of items: 32.

360 Video Hosting Comparison Matrix
A comparative view of the three most popular services that host 360 video content.

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360 degree Technology: Expanding and changing your world.
Transcript_Interview with Paul Ward (Head of Department for Engish, History and Creative Writing) Using 360 immersive technology in teaching.

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Basic Lecture Capture Workflow
7 page PDF document to show the Panopto lecture capture workflow as a full guide

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Collaborate, Panopto, and Teams Platform Comparison – Functionality & Scenarios for Use
This document aims to provide a starting point for staff considering which of Edge Hill University's supported platforms to use for online teaching delivery, meetings, or events. All information provided is correct at the time of writing.

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Digital Capture of Lectures and other L&T Activities
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance to academic and administrative staff with regard to the University’s expectations regarding the use of the system for the recording of lectures and other group-based learning and teaching activities. Download for recent 2024 updated file.

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How to install Panopto Lecture Capture software on a staff office computer
2 page PDF explaining how to install Panopto on a staff office computer

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How to provision your Blackboard course ready for Lecture Capture
A PDF document, explaining how to make your Blackboard course ready for use with Panopto, the lecture capture software

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How to record a lecture capture session using Panopto
A 4 page PDF file explaining how to record a lecture capture session in Panopto

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Instructions for using the portable Lecture Capture equipment
3 page PDF with instructions of how to use the portable lecture capture equipment that is loanable from the University Library

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LTD3085: Recording a Welcome Video Using Panopto
A quick and easy way to make a recording as a welcome to your Blackboard section.

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LTD3113: Copying and Moving Panopto Videos
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Profile Picture Edge Hill Administrator


Making the most of Lecture Capture: a guide for staff
A 4 page PDF describing how to make the most of lecture capture, including an example PowerPoint file

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Panopto - Inclusive by Design
This presentation takes a look at some key Panopto features within the video editor and provides examples of how Panopto is being used in education.

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Panopto Closed Captions
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Panopto Enabled Teaching Rooms
A list of teaching rooms with audio-visual integration details.

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Panopto Live Streaming
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Panopto Quizzes - Blackboard Grade Centre Integration
This guide explains how Panopto quizzes can appear in your Blackboard course as a column in the Grade Center.

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Transcript_Cutting Edge lecture capture at Edge Hill University
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Transcript_Cutting Edge lecture capture at Edge Hill University.

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Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto

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Transcript_Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto – Student Voice
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Inclusive Digital Practice - Accessible Teaching with Panopto – Student Voice.

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Transcript_Panopto - Safe learning for new and complex concepts.
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Panopto - Safe learning for new and complex concepts.

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Transcript_Panopto - Student Voice (My Study Toolkit).
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Panopto - Student Voice (My Study Toolkit).

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Transcript_Panopto: Bite-sized Lecture Series
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Panopto: Bite-sized Lecture Series.

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Transcript_Using Panopto to produce "How to" resources - MS Word
Video transcript, an alternative method of accessing the content of the following video recording: Using Panopto to produce "How to" resources - MS Word - YouTube.

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Viewing a recorded lecture or video clip
A 3 page pdf explaining how to view a lecture that has been recorded and uploaded into Blackboard

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This list was generated on Fri Mar 14 03:11:32 2025 UTC.