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Number of items: 14.

A World Café in Campus Pack: Using Wikis and Blogs
Learn how to develop and confidently facilitate online group work using Learning Edge (Blackboard). In this session we will introduce the Campus Pack wikis and blogs tools and discuss ways in which they can be used in and outside of the classroom to aid collaboration and the building of collective knowledge. Lesson Objectives Awareness of Campus Pack wikis and blogs Awareness and reflection on the use of Campus Pack in an educational context Reflect on your potential use of Campus Pack wikis and blogs Hands on creation and use of Campus Pack wikis and blogs

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DDE General Information
Contains general information and files used in the DDE site (not session details)

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Electronic Assessment Management - Using the right tools
Powerpoint of 60 Minute session.

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Evaluate your current and future TEL practice - Document based on the Blackboard Exemplary Course Program Rubric
Resource used in The Students' Ideal VLE Presentation - Last Reviewed Nov 2013

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OUT OF DATE - FOR REF ONLY - Developing a DDE Session - Information Sheet (2013-14)
OUT OF DATE - FOR REF ONLY - This sheet details how best to post a DDE session onto Blackboard. For further details contact Adrian Cain, LTD.

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Radio Ga Ga
DDE Session Information

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Radio Ga Ga - Host your own podcasts
Powerpoint for (1Hr) Staff Development session. Add variety to your course with audio. Learn the basics of podcasting and start recording your own episodes to share with your students. Accessed through Learning Edge (Blackboard), podcasts are a user friendly, easy and constantly available way your students can embed their knowledge. Lesson Objectives Awareness of the concepts of podcasting Awareness of the use of podcasting in an educational context Reflect on your potential use of podcasting Hands on creation and use of podcasts

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Retention Centre and Grading Schema Presentation
Additional breakout presentation for the 'Successfully managing online marking – A guide to using the Grade Centre in Blackboard' session.

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Successfully managing online marking – A guide to using the Grade Centre in Blackboard - Presentation Slides
Presentation Slides for the 'Successfully managing online marking – A guide to using the Grade Centre in Blackboard' session. With an ever increasing use of Electronic Assignment Management (EAM) at Edge Hill through tools such as Turnitin, Assignment Handler, Blackboard Assignment and Blackboard Tests and also by inputting offline marks too (presentation, performance, artwork etc), it is increasingly vital that everyone is aware and confident of managing their part in this process. The receipt of marking and feedback via online continues to be very high on the students’ expectations, so this session is designed to give you the skills to set-up and manage the processes to enable a good student experience. The session will allow lots of time for question and discussions on the many different EAM scenarios and requirement you may have.

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The Students' Ideal VLE
Presentation Materials for 'The Students' Ideal VLE' DDE Presentation. Learn more about what your students want from Learning Edge (Blackboard) and how you may be able to provide it for them. From an overview of student views informed by the Annual Student eLearning Survey, you will be able reflect on your current use of technology and how you may be able to enhance your practice in the future.

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The Students' Ideal VLE - Learning Edge (60 Minute Presentation Slides) The Students' Ideal VLE - Learning Edge (60 Minute Presentation Slides)
Have you ever wondered what your students want from their Learning Edge (Edge Hill University’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) (aka Blackboard)), and how you may be able to provide it for them? This session is framed against a summary of student views informed by the 2011-12 Annual Student eLearning Survey, with session attendees activity encouraged to discuss and evaluate both their current use and potential future use, of technology in their teaching practice, against course evaluation rubrics. Throughout, you will also be provided with some firm examples on how you can realise some of the student wishes in Learning Edge. With a more comprehensive ‘Tips and Tricks’ handout available to take away, along with full copies of the course evaluation rubric (current and future practice) handouts to take away, it is hope that you will have a solid foundation to not only better reflect on your current use of technology, but also on how you may be able to enhance your practice in the future. Session Learning Outcomes include; An outline of what EHU Students want from their VLE An understanding and knowledge of how Learning Edge can fulfill some of the student wishes A review and discussion of how to evaluate your current online provision A discussion of how the use of technology could enhance your practice Practical support (Handouts) for the future application of the online course evaluation process

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The Students' Ideal VLE - Learning Edge (Presentation Slides)
Slides for 90 minute presentation November 2013. Learn more about what your students want from Learning Edge (Blackboard) and how you may be able to provide it for them. From an overview of student views informed by the Annual Student eLearning Survey, you will be able reflect on your current use of technology and how you may be able to enhance your practice in the future.

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Tip, Tricks and Ideas - Resource for The Students' Ideal VLE Presentation
Resource used in The Students' Ideal VLE Presentation - Last Reviewed Nov 2013

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