Dr Michael Hartill

Reader in the Sociology of Sport

Sports & Physical Activity

Arts & Sciences

Research Interests:
Children's sport, Child abuse and protection, Social theory

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, PhD Sociology, MA Sport & Leisure, B.Soc.Sci. (Hons) Sport & Recreation Studies and Social Science


I hold a PhD in Sociology and lecture in the sociology of sport at Edge Hill University (2000-date). My principal areas of research are: child maltreatment and sexual exploitation in sport, and child protection in sport policy. I supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students in these and related areas. I work with a range of local, national and international organisations including the Rugby Football League, Survivors Manchester, NWG Network on Child Sexual Exploitation, UK Coaching, StreetGames, the NSPCC, the German Sports University, Cologne, German Sports Youth, Vic University, Laval University and the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation (ENGSO). I also sit on the national Child Protection Research & Evidence Advisory Group (REAG) (2003-date) chaired by the Child Protemore...

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