Mark Schofield was born in Liverpool and educated in the suburb of Kirkby where he attended Westvale County Primary and Brookfield Secondary Schools. He graduated with a BSc in Physiology and achieved qualified teacher status as a postgraduate at the then Chester College. He worked for 17 years in the school and LEA advisory sectors. In school he was a Science and Biology teacher and pastoral care head and led on the development of personal and social and health education. He was seconded to Lancashire and Knowsley Education Authorities for a period of four years. In the former he led on PSHE, alcohol, drugs, HIV and sex education and in the latter on cklassroom based research focused on learning and teaching effectiveness.
As a scoolteacher he was awarded a visiting Fellowship to Mert
more...Mark Schofield was born in Liverpool and educated in the suburb of Kirkby where he attended Westvale County Primary and Brookfield Secondary Schools. He graduated with a BSc in Physiology and achieved qualified teacher status as a postgraduate at the then Chester College. He worked for 17 years in the school and LEA advisory sectors. In school he was a Science and Biology teacher and pastoral care head and led on the development of personal and social and health education. He was seconded to Lancashire and Knowsley Education Authorities for a period of four years. In the former he led on PSHE, alcohol, drugs, HIV and sex education and in the latter on cklassroom based research focused on learning and teaching effectiveness.
As a scoolteacher he was awarded a visiting Fellowship to Merton College Oxford and a visiting studentship to Sydney Sussex, Cambridge.
He entered higher education teaching at Edge Hill in 1997, having mentored undergraduate and postgraduate students for many years and delivered invitation teaching and lecture sessions. At that time and until 2003 he led undergraduate programmes in Education and Community Studies and Education and Literacy and instigated work-based practice, learning and teaching and action research modules in the MA Educational Studies, where he took a key role in curriculum design, assessment and learning and teaching.
He is currently Dean of Teaching and Learning Develpoment and Professor of Learning and Teaching at Edge Hill University. He leads on strategy and policy development in teaching, learning and associated research and contributes to teaching and curriculum design in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in Education, Health, and Teaching and Learning in Clinical Practice. He provides external consultancy in learning and teaching, with an increasing focus on technology enhanced learning which is the prime focus of his visiting professorship at Leeds Metropolitan University. His interests include constructivism and learning, pedagogy, widening participation, academic writing, critical thinking and complex problem solving and institutional research focused on enhancing learning.
In addition to his Dean’s role he is Academic Director of the SOLSTICE Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. He is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and was Co-chair of the Staff and Educational Development Association Publications committee and continues as a member. He is chair of the Edge Hill University Centre for Learning and Teaching Research which focuses on post-compulsory education policy and practice. He is a member of the steering group for the Edge Hill University's Centre for Research in Widening Participation, the national HEFCE/HEA/JISC Joint E-Learning Partnership Board and was critical friend to the national JISC Users and Innovations Programme and european Emerge group. He has acted as an expert advisor to the HEA eLearning Observatory initiative, to government groups envisioning technological support for learning in the future and was a member of the HEA eLearning ‘Think Tank.’ He sits on the editorial boards of the Innovations in Education and Teaching International Journal, The Journal of the Association for Advancements in Computer Education and the Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia. He is a reviewer for the International Journal of Education Research and the International Journal of Learning and the Leeds Metropolitan Journal focused on teaching, learning and assessment practice and research. He is invited as one of the senior editors for the CELT (Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning) Publication in 2010 year alongside Patsy Paxton (Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, South
Africa), and three Canadian editors, Alan Wright (University of Windsor, ON), Margaret Murray (NorQuest College, AB), and Janet Wolstenholme (University of Guelph, ON). The journal is published and distributed each year to several hundred members of the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Canada (STLHE)
His past work on research, curriculum design and eLearning has cemented firm international partnerships including the University of Johannesburg, the Higher Education Learning and Teaching Association South Africa, the United States Air Force Academy and the international DLAC (Distance Learning and Collaboration) group. He also holds a visiting professorship at the University of Northampton and has recently engaged as a Senior Fellow in Educational Development at the University of Windsor, Ontario.
He currently teaches on undergraduate and postgraduate education programmes in Education and postgraduate programmes in health and is supervising PhD students at Edge Hill University and the University of Johannesburg.
1980-1998: High School Teacher/LEA Advisory Posts/ITT Mentor/LEA CPD Provider
Course Leader, BA (Hons) Education and Community Studies (1998-2000)
Course Leader BA (Hons) Education and Literacy (1999-2003)
Senior Lecturer, Continuing Professional Development (1998-2003)
Course Development Team Member: PGC Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (1998-2007) Course Leader (2003)
Course Team Member MA Educational Studies (1998-2003)
Course Team Member MA Teaching and learning in Clinical Practice. (Online) (2000-2007)
Head of Teaching and Learning Development (2003)
Dean of Teaching and Learning Development (2005)
Academic Director, SOLSTICE Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (Supported Online Learning for Students using Information and Communication in their Education) CETL (Leadership of Research, Curriculum, Pedagogy) (2005)
PhD Supervision, Cathy Sherratt: Dialogue Analysis in Online Discussion (2007)
Visiting Professor, Leeds Metropolitan University (2008, ongoing)
Visiting Professor, University of Northampton (2009, ongoing)
Senior Fellow/Visiting Professor, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada (2009)