Dr. Kelly Marrin

Senior Lecturer in Sport & Exercise Physiology

Sport and Physical Activity

Arts and Sciences

Research Interests:
Circadian rhythms, Environmental Physiology, Applied Sports Physiology, Fatigue and intermittent team sports

PhD “Relationships between human pineal function and thermoregulation at rest and during exercise” (Liverpool John Moores University), Post Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching - Distinction (Lancaster University), MSc Sport and Exercise (University of Teesside), Post Graduate Certificate in Education: Further and Adult Education (Nottingham Trent University), BSc (Hons) Sports Science (University of Brighton)


Kelly joined the Department in August 2004, having previously worked as a sports science lecturer in both Further and Higher Education. Kelly has also taught in professional football academies and has experience working within the fitness industry, having been an instructor (gym and exercise to music) both in the UK and overseas. Kelly first graduated from the University of Brighton in 1996 and has since completed a number of postgraduate qualifications. She completed a PhD entitled “Relationships between human pineal function and thermoregulation at rest and during exercise” at Liverpool John Moores University. Kelly is also a British Association of Sport and Exercises Sciences (BASES) accredited Sport & Exercise Scientist. Kelly teaches on a range of undergraduate modules, delivering lecmore...

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