1. Welcome to the Edge Hill University Primary On-line Training Package
2. Contents:
3. Training Programmes.
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5. Learning Evaluation: 2016-17
6. The Rationale -
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8. Guide for the Mentor and other observers (before the Learning E…
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11. Guide for Mentor and other observers (during the Learning …
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14. Guide for Mentor and other observers (after the Learning Ev…
15. Feedback
16. Feedback is key in the mentoring relationship
17. Key points to use when feeding back....
18. Forms to complete
19. Assessment and grading
20. Assessment and grading continuation
21. Interim Report: (Resource tab)
22. End of Professional Practice Report Form (resource tab)
23. The End of Professional Practice Report Form
24. Roles and responsibilities:
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28. Safeguarding for Edge Hill University trainees
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30. Middle childhood: Employers Advisory Panel.
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32. Evaluation: please take a few minutes to complete the on-line e…