1. Critical Reflection
2. Aims
3. Reflection:what does it mean to you?
4. Stop and Think: a chance to ‘unpack’ the concept
5. What?
6. So what is reflection? : one way of looking at it.......
7. Or another........?
8. Stop and think: what does this suggest to you?
9. Moon (2004:84) The Outcomes of Reflection: reflection and learning
10. The ‘Professional Swamp’ (Hunt 2001:285)
11. Schon - key concepts
12. Why: Reflection?
13. So, why can it be complex?
14. Problems with Reflective writing?
15. It’s all about Me!
16. Critical Reflection?
17. And....
18. Moving from the ‘what’? to the ‘so what’?
19. Perspective Transformation? Can looking in be sometimes different to looking out?
20. Moving to the ‘So what’?
21. How ?
22. Reflective Frameworks? To give shape but not to constrain as a key to unlock and enable learning from ex…
23. How do others see you? Peer review
24. Deep levels of reflection: knowing where you are on your internal map? (Hunt 2001)
25. How does this feel?