Dr Mark Edward

Reader in Creative Arts

Performing Arts

Arts and Science

Research Interests:
Ageing drag queens, Ageing dancers, Boys and men who dance, Obese bodies in dance, Mental health and well being

B.A Hons Creative Arts, M.A Dance Studies, PG-Cert Learning & Teaching in HE., PhD in sociological and performing arts based research.


Dr Mark Edward is a pracademic and a category dodger. His performance work in live art, contemporary dance performance and choreography are related to wider themes within social sciences. Mark has featured in Attitude magazine and on several BBC radio and TV documentaries, focusing on drag histories and activism. He has also featured in The History of Drag documentary, alongside Boy George and Ginny Lemon, airing on Gaydio. In 2022 Mark’s research into drag cultures provided the content for the three-part BBC Drag Herstory series. He is the author of the book Mesearch and the Performing Body (Palgrave, 2018), and co-editor of the books Contemporary Drag Practices and Performers: Drag in a Changing Scene vol 1 and Drag Histories, Herstories and Hairstories; Drag in a Changing Scene vol 2 (Bmore...

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